Klassenfahrt der 10d nach Berlin

On October 10th our class 10d, our class teachers Mrs Alves and Mrs Fodor, travelled to Berlin by train. The journey was 8 hours long.

When we arrived most of us were very tired and had to wait for their hotel rooms. After we had got them and had packed out our stuff we went to dinner and afterwards went for a walk to get a first impression of the great city of Berlin.

The next day we went to visit Madame Tussauds. We enjoyed the picture session!

On Wednesday, we went to the Bundestag and were allowed to watch a Bundestag plenary session for 30 minutes with Mr. Lauterbach. We were very amused and upset about some comments and the behavior of some of the members of parliament. After this we had an appointment with the member of parliament Takis Mehmet Ali. He explained a few things about the SPD politics to us and then we took a photo with him outside on the terrace of the Bundestagskuppel.

In the evening, Anes and me went out for something to eat before we went to sleep.

On Thursday we went shopping for three hours and in the evening, we watched an amazing theater show (‘Auris’), which in my opinion was very impressive and interesting.

On the last day, we cleaned up our rooms and packed our things and took the train back to Weil. There I was picked up by my mother.

I won’t forget this amazing trip!


On Monday we took a train at 8:39 am. We drove by ICE from Basel to Göttingen and then with another ICE from there to Berlin central station.

As we arrived in Berlin at our hotel, we first got into our rooms and packed out our things. After this, we had dinner and then we explored the area around the hotel. Then we all went to bed.

On Tuesday we had breakfast at 8 am and then we went to the DDR-Museum and afterwards made a sightseeing tour.

Later, we visited Madame Tussauds – that was very nice. After this we had dinner at 6am and were allowed to go into the city.

On Wednesday we visited the Bundestag and ate there for free! We also talked to Takis Mehmet Ali. And after dinner we went again out in small groups.

The next day we vist3ed again some important and famous sights like the Berlin TV tower and then we were allowed to explore the inner city on our own in small groups.

On Thursday we had an early dinner so we could go and see the thrilling show “Auris” in the Friedrichspalast. That was gorgeous!

On Friday, we packed our things and left the hotel early. We all very awfully tired but it was definitely worth it. I guess our class community has grown together.



I was in Berlin with my class for five days.

We visited many sights together like the Potsdamer Platz, the Alexanderplatz, the Brandenburger Tor, the DDR-Museum, the Regierungsbezirk with the Bundeskanzleramt and the Reichstag, Checkpoint Charlie, the Berlin TV tower and the Friedrichspalast. Where we watched a fantastic show. Paula and I were extremely amazed by what the artists, athletes, singers, musicians, actors had presented.

In the Bundestag we listened to a live plenary session which was streamed on TV!

I also loved the wax figure museum “Madame Tussauds”! There were many famous people like Marylin Monroe, Justin Bieber, Johnny Depp, Sean Mendes, Olaf Scholz. Barack Obama, Helmut Kohl, Ed Sheeran, Hitler, Einstein and so on. Even people I hadn’t known before.

Me and my classmates often chilled together on the roof terrace of the hotel or in one of our rooms and we talked about everything in our lives and about plans for our future. We really got to know each other much better and got to talk to people we had never talked before. I didn’t want to go home and everybody was sad that those unforgettable days were over.
